Healthy but decadent Sole recipe?

My husband would like sole for his birthday dinner this week. He likes fairly rich foods. My parents will be visiting at the time, and they are on strict, lean diets. Does someone have an idea for a way to prepare filet of sole that will satisfy both camps of diners?

  • Posted by: TobiT
  • December 10, 2012


ChezHenry December 11, 2012
Marcella Hazan's Fish in Crazy Water, completely decadent, low fat, delicious.
Monita December 10, 2012
Here's a very elegant, simple recipe.
TobiT December 10, 2012
Thanks. It's interesting to me that the Martha recipe also uses Wondra - just like the recipe the previous answerer cited. I sense a theme . . . Nice to learn a new trick!
lloreen December 10, 2012
Genius recipes here. Just lightly dust it in Wondra flour - little salt and herbs de Provence is nice too. Sautée in butter. You can serve it with a rich brown butter sauce for your husband but leave it off for the inlaws if they prefer. Although the recipe says to do this with skin on fillets, I cook skinless sole this way all the time. It has a very light brown crust. Just be sure to cook in lots of butter in the a non stick pan (sorry the message cut off before)
TobiT December 10, 2012
I checked it out and it looks great. Thanks for pointing me in that direction.
lloreen December 10, 2012
I would cook the sole in the method of La Bernadin's crispy fish under
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