I need an idea for a quick, easy, healthy recipe

Matt Wheelock


Linn January 17, 2013
Question for Matt. "Healthy" can mean a lot of different things. What kind of healthy is important to you?
Matt W. January 17, 2013
Thank you guys for the idea's
Matt W. January 17, 2013
Thank you guys for the idea's
Nancy H. January 16, 2013
What a funny question, Matt. I'm tempted to say: Oh, just slice a fresh tomato and dribble on it some extra-virgin olive oil, sea salt, and a drop or two of aged vinegar. But I suspect you want something more challenging. So melt a clove or two of garlic in some extra-virgin oil, add a 28-ounce can of San Marzano tomatoes, a sprinkle of oregano or fresh chopped parsley or basil, cook down till the tomatoes melt, puree, adjust the seasoning, and maybe add a couple of drops of orange juice or grated zest. Then boil up pasta water, add really fine artisanal pasta (imported dry pasta, I mean, the best), cook till al dente, drain and quickly turn in the sauce. About as healthy as you can get and very very easy. And quick, pasta being the original fast food.
pierino January 16, 2013
Without knowing what's in your pantry or what you are shopping for this is effing impossible to answer. An omelet is quick and easy but maybe not everyone agrees with me that it's healthy. Toss some smoked salmon in. That's healthy.And quick.
Sam1148 January 16, 2013
I make a cobb salad. With chopped mixed lettuces Romaine, water cress, etc). and Top with rows of cubed avocado, turkey, Bacon (optional), and chopped boiled egg. And chives.
Sometimes, I skip the bacon and turkey and saute a few shrimp for each plate. Marinated in garlic,ginger and soy sauce..dried and dusted with some paprika and fried in clarified butter.
Monita January 16, 2013
Many soups are quick and healthy. Here's a link for a bunch to choose from
hardlikearmour January 16, 2013
When I'm in that type of quandary I will use the advanced search at Epicurious. It allows to you filter for a variety of things including "quick & easy" and "healthy". http://www.epicurious.com/recipesmenus/advancedsearch
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