How to add recipe to collection?

I happen to be one of the randomly selected (lucky) ones who can create recipe collections. I created one to give it a try, but have not been able to figure out how to add recipes to the collection. Help!



QueenSashy February 22, 2013
Thanks! Somehow I imagined that there will be an entirely new button :) I am on a roll now.
AntoniaJames February 22, 2013
Open the recipe; click on "Save" (or "Saved", if you've already saved it into your default collection). You'll see a drop down menu with the names of all of the collections you have created. Click in the small dot to the left of the collection where you wish to save the recipe. That recipe will be saved in that collection. You can save a single recipe to as many collections as you like, too, it seems! ;o)
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