Looking for a share-able digital make-your-own cookbook.

My college-aged kids--living on their own out of town--each want a collection of family favorite recipes. My IT son prefers digital (vs. paper) but is not cooperating, using a different platform from his mom--I use Apple products and he's on a PC.
One option is to make a series of shareable Google docs folders, but I wondered if there are other options, e.g., can Evernote be accessed by multiple users? Many of the downloadable Apps are for one platform or the other, but not shareable across platforms.
Any suggestions? Ideas?
I may just post my collection here on Food52 and tell him to get an account!



Windischgirl March 20, 2017
Thanks for all your responses! I'm thinking I like the private blog option too, but will have a chat with the kids and see what they think might be most useful. Stand back--Food52 might be the new home of my chicken fajitas recipe !
Susan W. March 19, 2017
I love the idea of a private blog. You can put your own recipes or recipes from anywhere. If I remember correctly, that's how Woks Of Life started.
Nancy March 18, 2017
Partly depends on how much you want the recipes to be revisable after they are posted and by whom, just you or everyone.
If revising capability not needed, something like posting them on food52 would work.
Also what about format? You talk about a cookbook, not just recipe storage. So, do you want contents, index, recipe lists, chapters?
Consider various apps, as in this Oct 2016 review:
Or this thread, started on food52 six years ago (2011):
Nancy March 19, 2017
Not "recipe lists"
Meant "shopping lists"
Sabine March 18, 2017
Why not a private blog! On wordpress, for example, you can create a website, choose it to be private in the setting options, and approve your kids as users who have access to the content. you might even chat with them via the comment section under each recipe/post.
hemptonv March 18, 2017
Recipe Keeper. There is a free option, or you can upgrade for a nominal fee (less than $5.00 I think) and use it on phones, tablets, ipads in addition to computer. I love it.
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