coconut oil

those of you who use coconut oil, what do you do with it?



Author Comment
I use it for a ton of things these days, ever since I started reading the health benefits. I use it in baking all the time - cakes, breads, etc. using a 1 for 1 replacement of butter. I make a no-bake sugarless fudge with it (it does have a little honey in it), cookies, and granola bars. I've sauteed shrimp in it too. I'm working on a crumble recipe now. I've got a bunch of them on my blog, Liz, at if you want to look through the recipe index. Have fun experimenting!!
ZombieCupcake March 5, 2013
Oh yeah I forgot here is a great link with vegan recipes with plenty of uses for coconut oil..
calendargirl March 4, 2013
So glad you asked this, Mrs.L! I have been wondering the same thing.
mrslarkin March 4, 2013
Thanks, everyone, for all your ideas! I'll be experimenting, for sure.

I forgot about these recent posts:
ZombieCupcake March 4, 2013
Vegan peanut butter and chocolate brownies!
ZombieCupcake March 4, 2013
Vegan peanut butter and chocolate brownies!
SKK March 4, 2013
It has been found that coconut oil has amazing health benefits. Google it and see. Dr. Oz has even gotten on the bandwagon. Here is one site that is useful. I use it when I make eggs, saute vegetables. You can use it anyplace in lieu of other oils. I have not tried it in salad dressing.
aargersi March 4, 2013
I used it instead of butter in a coconut banana bread - I also used 1/4 c coconut flour, and shredded unsweetened coconut on top mixed with turbinado sugar. It was moist and delicious. I am CooCoo for coconut! My mom rubs it into her hands and legs instead of lotion.
Midge March 4, 2013
I've used it in granola, which I loved, and peanut butter cookies, which I definitely did not. I'm crazy about coconut but the coconut was overpowering in them, and texture was off.
Panfusine March 4, 2013
Paul Joseph would be the perfect person to answer this qn..

Voted the Best Reply!

Panfusine March 4, 2013
Use it as a finishing drizzle for all south indian vegetable stews, Use it to massage my scalp, Its very common to find it being used for deep frying Plantain chips in South India before the refined oil lobby ran it out of town with their flavorless grease!
And there goes Pierino again! :-)
Panfusine March 4, 2013
Use it as a finishing drizzle for all south indian vegetable stews, Use it to massage my scalp, Its very common to find it being used for deep frying Plantain chips in South India before the refined oil lobby ran it out of town with their flavorless grease!
And there goes Pierino again! :-)
lloreen March 4, 2013
I use a little to sauté cod that has been dusted with Indian spices. It gives just the slightest hint of coconut that is a nice compliment to cumin, coriander, and turmeric. I occasionally use it instead of oil when I am making sauteed veggies with Asian flavorings. Just be sure coconut compliments the flavors because you can definitely taste it.
Rebecca R. March 4, 2013
I use it instead of olive oil when roasting veggies. My nutritionist recommended it because it is a good fat source when cooking at high temps. It comes out if the fridge solid, so I shave off some, and scatter it on the baking sheet. Pop it in the oven for a sec to melt, then add veggies. It's really good! Try it!
susan G. March 3, 2013
I use it for greasing baking pans and sheets. It's natural Crisco... for that reason, I don't cook with it. You, however, might want to try it to make vegan scones.
petitbleu March 3, 2013
Coconut oil can make for some superb fried chicken, although I've never made it this way myself (had it at a really wonderful soul food restaurant).
I've seen it a lot recently in baking recipes--I guess it's trending. Some folks think it's better for you than other fats, although I'm ignorant as to why this is. I personally disbelieve nutritional claims in general. However, many vegan baking recipes call for it instead of butter or margarine.
pierino March 3, 2013
Choke your arteries. In the old days they used to use this stuff in movie theater popcorn.
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