I am looking for a really fun interesting modern book on canning. Can anyone recommend one? There are a few on amazon and I can't choose.



Pegeen May 15, 2013
I second Hilarybee on Sherri Brooks' "Put 'em Up" and also her advice about Mes Confitures... great but not ideal for starting out.

Very much looking forward to Mrs. Wheelbarrow's "Practical Pantry" mentioned above. Chef Carole, will look for your book too! I take off my Yankees cap to anyone who pulls it together to write a book. You're inspirational.
NancyfromVictoria May 14, 2013
Terrific. I am going to look at it right away.
cookinginvictoria May 14, 2013
I think that June is sold out, but it looks like the July session still has available seats. I am considering doing it too! :)
cookinginvictoria May 14, 2013
This may not be a canning book in the strictest sense of the word, but I really love Salt, Sugar, and Smoke (one of the Piglet contenders this year). http://www.amazon.com/Salt-Sugar-Smoke-preserve-vegetables/dp/1845336755/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1368559024&sr=8-1&keywords=salt+sugar+smoke

Many of the recipes have very interesting international flavors and what I would call a modern sensibility. The recipes range from fruit and vegetable preserves, jellies and chutneys to smoked meats and cured fish. It's a wonderful cookbook.

Not sure if you live in Victoria (B.C.), but if you do, David Mincey (chef of Camille's) will be offering a course on modern canning and preserving at Cook's Culture in June and July. http://cookculture.com/cooking-school/class/modern-canning-and-preserves-chef-david-mincey-1 Mincey has made a name for himself preserving extra vegetables and fruits that his restaurant doesn't use and his canned goods (sold at many local farmer's markets) are amazing! I love his fruit jams, his onion jam, his mole and salsas, and his chimchurri sauce.
NancyfromVictoria May 14, 2013
OMG! Yes I do live in Victoria BC and would love to do the canning course. Thank you so so so much.

Chef C. May 14, 2013
As the author :-), I have to recommend The Home Preserving Bible by Carole Cancler from Alpha Books, just published in September 2013. While it covers 8 different food preservation methods, canning is very well represented in seven out of the 20 chapters. Chapter 7 covers the science and techniques for boiling water bath and pressure canning. Chapters 15-20 provide recipes for fruits, tomatoes, pickled veggies, savory sauces, jam and sweet sauces, and low-acid foods. What makes my book stand out is the range of recipes that include many ethnic or uncommon foods, along with thorough coverage of canning basics. Readers so far have stated that the book is very easy to read and follow. Please check it out.
Chef C. May 14, 2013
oops, that should say published Sept 2012....
Hilarybee May 13, 2013
I don't know where you live--but in my area the local metroparks service offers canning classes and they are always packed. I taught two courses, and I think I learned more than what I taught. Nancy, hopefully you can find something like that in your area!
Bevi May 13, 2013
I also have both books Hilarybee mentions, and agree that they are not beginner books. I would recommend taking a canning course from your local extension university, or look around to see if someone in your area is offering a class. Seeing, doing, and asking questions on the spot is a really good way to learn this skill.
Hilarybee May 12, 2013
Mes Confitures is really great--but it isn't for beginners and sometimes I find it a little fussy. I also have the Blue Chair Jam book. Both books I find to be more aspirational than practical. There is definitely a place for them both in my cookbook arsenal, but I wouldn't start off with either.
petitbleu May 12, 2013
I would also vote for The Preservation Kitchen. I tried several recipes from this book (and there are many more on my to-do list), and all turned out fabulously. I especially loved the melon vanilla jam, brandied figs, and eggplant tomato relish. I also love the Food In Jars book. The tomato jam and strawberry vanilla jam are superb.
Donna M. May 9, 2013
Not to be a wet blanket, but if you're not already an experienced canner (you don't mention in your original question whether you are or not), you really do need to have one good basic book, such as the Ball Blue Book, that will teach you the safe ways to preserve foods. High acid and high sugar foods are inherently pretty safe, but canning low-acid/sugar things improperly can lead to serious problems (i.e., botulism). These books frequently aren't the sexiest or most modern, but every serious home canner should have at least one as a reference. That being said, my favorite jam book is Mes Confitures, by Christine Ferber. Her recipes and prep techniques have transformed my jams into something really special (if I do say so myself!). And I am now also eagerly awaiting Mrs. Wheelbarrow's Practical Pantry, as I'm a big fan of Mrs. W's blog!
Hilarybee May 9, 2013
I really like "Put 'Em Up" by Sherri Vinton Brooks. It's not as popular as some of the others listed--but I have them all, literally. I love canning and jamming, its my favorite hobby--and Put Em Up is my favorite, and probably has the most flexible recipes.
louisez May 9, 2013
Cathy -- thanks for the heads up about Mrs. Wheelbarrow's Practical Pantry. I'm looking forward to it.
ZombieCupcake May 9, 2013
Sweets May 9, 2013
Have you tried your public library? When I'm trying to decide on a cookbook, I try to find it in the public library. I take it out, test run a recipe and if I love it buy it. This also helps save space!
Elizabeth R. May 9, 2013
How about The Preservation Kitchen: The Craft of Making and Cooking With Pickles, Preserves and Aigre-Doux by Paul Virant? When I worked at my last job, he was a friend of my chef, and we'd get gifted with jars of his canned goods. They were absolutely delicious. I've also spoken with him during food events and the way he talks about canning, it's obvious how much he loves it.

Voted the Best Reply!

MrsWheelbarrow May 8, 2013
Can you wait a bit? I'm in the midst of writing a big preserving book. Mrs. Wheelbarrow's Practical Pantry (W. W. Norton) is due out Fall, 2014
mainecook61 May 8, 2013
I too like the Ziedrich. It has both classic recipes and many interesting ones you won't find in more traditional books. She has another one on jam and jelly that is equally good. As for a more fundamental book, Putting Food By will do, but I also refer often to my dog-eared copy of the Ball Blue Book.
Summer O. May 8, 2013
Canning for a New Generation by Liana Krissoff
margaretlynne May 8, 2013
I LOVE this book - tons of fabulous recipes. I've made many of them so far and not a dud in the bunch.
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