Any suggestions where I can find a high quality granite dolsot bowl for making various korean dishes?

Bon Appetit recently profiled a beautiful blue dolsot bowl which I would love to locate



sexyLAMBCHOPx June 5, 2013
You could walk around Little Korea in midtown (23rd - 33rd St., btwn 2nd & Lex Aves) Or take the subway downtown to Pearl Trading (check their website first) in Soho for a try or HMart in Flushing. When in doubt, Amazon, lol.
bjones70 June 5, 2013
Thanks to you both for your suggestions. I reside in Manhattan.
pierino June 5, 2013
In Manhattan the best place to shop around for Korean stuff is the area bounded by 6th and Broadway and 35th down to 32nd. I don't know if there is an HMart in the boroughs but this is a huge Korean owned chain market, whole aisles of kimchi etc.
AntoniaJames June 5, 2013
Where do you live? Every Korean grocery store that I've ever been in on the West Coast has had them. Along with the giant kimchi jars . . . . (Just love Korean grocery stores, for so many reasons.) ;o)
Mr_Vittles June 5, 2013
High quality dolsots can be had at Direct link:
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