Does anyone have any great sources for mail order for something on the special side to send as a gift?

my son is turning 21 shortly and won't be back home for a couple of weeks after. He and his friends have gotten into some real cooking, including on a backyard bbq he built out of cinderblocks and bricks. I'd love to send him something like a dinner party in a box, maybe some Alaskan salmon, or steak? Any ideas appreciated!



pierino July 24, 2013
Indeed Zingerman's is a great resource. They have a number of specialty packages but probably will assemble one at your request.
WileyP July 23, 2013
That would be a great idea, healthierkitchen - Give yourself the award for the best answer! PS: If he lives in true barbeque country, you might even ask a good BBQ house if they'll give him a tour of the back end and maybe help him with a couple hints!
WileyP July 23, 2013
If he is into real honest-to-goodness low and slow barbecue, do some net searching for a good pork purveyor in his area and buy him a $100 gift certificate. If he is more into grilling, do the same with a beef purveyor.
healthierkitchen July 23, 2013
I'm not completely sure how low and slow his homemade grill can go! He said something about checking heat tolerances and ventilation on the web, but I don't know if it can go for hours. I could contact one of the local bbq joints near him and he can take all his friends there!
bigpan July 23, 2013
Why not buy whatever you know he likes at your local butcher, have him vacuum pack it, freeze it and put in a small styrofoam box and ship over night with FedEx.
healthierkitchen July 23, 2013
Thanks for the ideas! As to Provisions, I'd love to be able to use this but time might not be on my side. I need to order in the next few days...
healthierkitchen July 23, 2013
Thanks for the ideas! As to Provisions, I'd love to be able to use this but time might not be on my side. I need to order in the next few days...
Lindsay-Jean H. July 23, 2013
I'll of course second Peter, but I'm also a big fan of Zingerman's Mail Order (
Peter July 22, 2013
Not to toot our own horn here, but Food52's Provisions will launch fairly soon (I'm not telling when) and it will have all sorts of unique items. I'm not sure if any of them will fit the bill exactly but keep an eye out.
Monita July 22, 2013
There's a great list of mail order sites on this link. If you scroll down to the middle there are some great food-related options
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