Looking for vegetarian cookbook recommendations for my sister in law

She isn't very adventurous in exploring new foods and is just starting to cook, so simple, straightforward recipes would be best. Thanks!



susan G. August 23, 2013
American Wholefoods Cuisine, Nikki and David Goldbeck -- This is a good book for basic recipes, baking, preserving and covers all categories. Lots of recipes and good results... It's a foundation comparable to The Joy of Cooking.
SKK August 22, 2013
Hard to disagree with any of these books - all wonderful! I have them all.
ATG117 August 22, 2013
Check out Nigel Slater's books, Tender and Ripe. Vegetable Literacy by Deborah Madison. And another vote for Plenty.
Wicko August 22, 2013
The French Market Cookbook by Clotilde Dusolier

Voted the Best Reply!

Ellie1066 August 22, 2013
Plenty by
Yotam Ottolenghi
HalfPint August 22, 2013
Any cookbook by Crescent Dragonwagon.
darksideofthespoon August 22, 2013
Enchanted Broccoli Forest by Mollie Katzen. Also wrote Moosewood! Great recipes from her.
thebunalsorises August 22, 2013
This is an incredible cookbook: http://www.amazon.com/Silk-Road-Cooking-Vegetarian-Journey/dp/1933823402
SpaCook August 22, 2013
Super Natural Everyday by Heidi Swanson. One of the few books I've cooked all the way through and loved every recipe. It's a go-to at least once a week for this mostly meat-free household!
Morgan August 22, 2013
Morgan August 22, 2013
JadeTree August 22, 2013
Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone by Deborah Madison!
David August 22, 2013
How To Cook Everything Vegetarian by Mark Bittman
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