Aloha! Lost a branch from our Sharwil avocado tree and about 30 avocados that wouldn't be ripe until December. Suggestions? Facial masks?

  • Posted by: lavagal
  • September 4, 2013


Mr R. September 5, 2013
I have the same problem every year. The way i do it is i wrap them up with newspaper and by 2 weeks most get riped. It does matter what size are they. If too small then this does not apply.
HalfPint September 5, 2013
From what I've read, if an avocado is picked before it has matured, it will never ripen properly, if at all. Also the texture of an immature avocado is like rubber. Not sure if you can even get it soft enough to mash for facial masks. This might be a loss. Or you could chop it up and feed it to chickens.
Lindsay-Jean H. September 5, 2013
Apparently you can bake it like a potato: If you try this please report back!
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