How long does homemade mayo keep in refrig

Homemade mayo

  • Posted by: bobbi
  • September 21, 2013


ChefOno September 24, 2013

Actually any fresh herb...

ChefOno September 24, 2013

Score two points for you, SeaJambon. Good catch about possible sulfites in wine vinegar (sorry, I'm not "sensitive" to the issue). You may sub another vinegar, but not lemon juice. *Excellent* question and there are two reasons why you can't: The bactericidal effect of vinegar (acetic acid) is greater than that of lemon juice (citric acid) plus the pH of the two ingredients is slightly different.

You may omit the mustard and cayenne. The only flavoring modification I'd be leery of would be the addition of fresh garlic.

SeaJambon September 23, 2013
Chef Ono - this recipe looks great! and, if I want to avoid sulfites, any concerns if I simply increase the amount of (fresh) lemon juice accordingly (avoiding wine vinegar),as well as skipping the mustard and cayenne which I assume are there simply for flavor...? Thanks! and, truly, thanks for posting!
klrcon September 23, 2013
Thanks so much for posting that recipe! It seems completely doable - I'm definitely going to give it a try.
ChefOno September 23, 2013

Recipe here:

Please read attached notes

Diana B. September 22, 2013
I posted this in the other query about mayonnaise, but perhaps it bears a reprint on making safe homemade mayo:
klrcon September 22, 2013
I'm curious - how would you do you do that at home? and how long would it last? I love homemade mayonnaise but rarely make it because I can't use it up quickly enough. But if I had a recipe that would make a version that was safe for storing I'd do it a lot more often.
ChefOno September 22, 2013

I'm always happy to elaborate. Yes, absolutely "refrigerate after opening". It's not, however, a food safety issue, at least not per se.

"Properly made" mayo, be it commercial, restaurant or homemade is (1) acidified and (2) pasteurized. The pasteurization process kills any bugs present and the acid acts as a preservative. The remaining enemies are then mold and oxidization, hence the need to keep the temperature down. In other words, it’s a food quality issue rather than one of safety.

Julia's recipe and method include neither sufficient acid nor heat to be any safer than the raw ingredients that go into it. Eggs today aren't a huge risk but they're not absolutely safe either. The USDA would classify Julia's mayo as a Potentially Hazardous Food and would warn that you're definitely pushing it at 7 days. Just sayin'...

If you ask me, there is no down side to creating a safe sauce outside of the few minutes it takes to elevate the temperature. In fact, there is little difference between Julia's recipe and Best Foods / Hellman's except for the extra acid. (To be precise, there is also a tiny bit of an anti-oxidant which, despite its chemical-sounding name is a good thing. Anti-oxidants = fresher taste + fewer free radicals. All good things in my book.)

ChefOno September 21, 2013

I should add that, properly made, mayonnaise does not require refrigeration for safety (witness the jars of Best Foods mayo on your grocery store shelf).

SeaJambon September 21, 2013
ChefOno - I'm One of your fans so am asking out of true curiosity- what do you mean by "properly made"? Best Foods is only shelf stable until opened then needs to be stored in the fridg and it is so full of preservatives that an equivalent isn't likely at home I've used Julia Child's mayo recipe for years and consider safe (in a jar w/lid in fridge) for about a week. Only 4 ingredients and none of them preservatives...
ChefOno September 21, 2013

Safety depends upon the recipe and method employed. If you choose an untested / unapproved recipe, treat the sauce as you would any raw egg product -- keep under refrigeration for no more than 2-4 days and avoid serving to those with compromised immune systems.

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