Can anyone recommend a cookbook that along with main recipes gives suggestions for good match side dishes

  • Posted by: mbobden
  • December 17, 2013


Danee December 19, 2013
Martha Stewart's Dinner at Home. There are 52 meal ideas
SeaJambon December 18, 2013
Pierino - I agree that the Flavor Bible is a standout book, but since it doesn't actually have any recipes (fabulous ideas for flavor pairings -- no, OUTSTANDING ideas for flavor pairings), I'm not sure it would meet mbobden's needs...
pierino December 18, 2013
Another good one is THE FLAVOR BIBLE by Page and Dornenberg. It did win an IACP award.
ALLISON L. December 18, 2013
Try Nigella Lawson's recipe books.
luvcookbooks December 18, 2013
Patricia Wells has a book with matches, not sure which one. Has wine matches, too. Lots of books include sample menus incl Betty Crocker 1950, which I love, Marion Cunningham's Supper Book and Breakfast Book, ditto. Martha Stewart's Quick Cook is composed entirely of menus. Her menus tend to be wildly caloric, tho.

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drbabs December 18, 2013
Amanda Hesser's New York Times Cookbook is am amazing compendium of well-curated wonderful recipes, and she has menu suggestions in the back of the book.
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