Black garlic

I keep coming across it. What's your favorite way to use it? What would you compare it to flavor wise?

  • Posted by: ATG117
  • December 23, 2013
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

LeBec F. December 24, 2013
for me, it tastes like mild garlic and balsamic vinegar. you find it in korean stores or specialty stores. it is produced in korea in pots in a cave or buried in the ground where it ferments over years and gets soft. chefs still don't use it much; some as a plate garnish, but you can make vinaigrette w/ it; chop it and ass to coooked beans or grains. maybe it would be neat in Chicken w/ 40 cloves of garlic. you see it more around San Fran than the East Coast.
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