What is the best way to cook this?? The girl at the grocery store gave it to me because I thought it was neat.

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Amanda H. September 15, 2010
So glad -- it's been fun following this thread, and glad it had a happy ending!
hallolynn September 15, 2010
I made it! Loved the taste. My husband was afraid to eat the Romanesco broccoli but now he is a fan!
hallolynn September 13, 2010
All of this is super helpful. I am going to try the bagna cauda sauce tonight. Then back to Whole Foods for another one just to try another option.
Thank you foodpickle!!
LouisaBaer September 13, 2010
My standard is olive oil, salt, and lots of pepper, and browned under the broiler. Seriously much more interesting than you might guess. Incidentally, also my standard for broccoli, asparagus, zucchini, etc. etc.
lallimusic September 13, 2010
i love it cooked till v. tender with garlic, olive oil, red chile flakes, and a little anchovy. amazing as is, even better tossed into some spaghetti with plenty of pecorino on top
gingerroot September 13, 2010
I had one in my CSA box a few months ago - I roasted it and made a Romanesco-pasta-cheese casserole - it was delicious and my little ones loved it.
lastnightsdinner September 12, 2010
Amanda's suggestions all sound great. As for me, I'm big a fan of using it in a gratin: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jenblossom/3026728110/
Amanda H. September 12, 2010
You could also roast the florets, or steam the florets and make a cheese sauce and bake it in a gratin (again, just like you might do with cauliflower). Hope this is helpful!
Amanda H. September 12, 2010
This is Romanesco broccoli, and you can cook it just like cauliflower. I love it, and use it all the time in the fall. I like to cut it into small pieces (each spiral is like a floret) and steam it, then I make a warm bagna cauda sauce for dipping. http://bit.ly/dnQkRN
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