Can You Help Me Find a 1980's Claiborne/Franey(or other) Recipe?

I have had no luck after googling for hours, so I thought I'd ask here! I am looking for a recipe for a Zucchini Quiche (but not sure that is the title) made with sour cream iirc. I xeroxed it back in the '80's but that xerox has been missing for yrs as I continue to look for it....
I have a hunch it was Claiborne/Franey but that is not certain. I DO still have a xerox of another recipe from the same book but there's no book title on the page. Here's a description of the xerox I do have:
The recipe xerox I do have is
Manicotti with Creamed Chicken and Almonds pg.121. It came from a book about the size of half a sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 paper. The recipes are not isolated to their own page; this manicotti recipe starts in the middle of pg.120, with the end of the previous recipe located above it, continued from pg.119. All the recipe ingredients are printed in Italics.

The header on the right page of the Manicotti recipe (pg.121) says "April 18, Pawling"

I have a sense (not proven) that this cookbook had "Weekend" or "Summer" in the title.

Might any of you be able to help find the Zucchini Quiche recipe ? I would be so grateful, and Happy to return the favor any time! Th you!

LeBec Fin


TiggyBee May 30, 2014
LBF -- have you found what you're looking for yet? I have a copy of CC's favorites from the NYT in a box from my grandmother. I'd be happy to have a look through the index for you. Since he was a favorite of hers, I'm sure there are more of his books in there. S nice this is an old thread perhaps you've found it but if not, let me know.
TiggyBee May 30, 2014
* Since
sexyLAMBCHOPx January 15, 2014
BF- What was so memorable of this quiche, besides zucchini and sour cream? Did it have a crust? I have a cigarette food pamphlet from Benson & Hedges with recipes created by Craig Claiborne.
AntoniaJames January 15, 2014
Have you searched in Google books? You can almost always look at the pages of the books, as they were all scanned, which should help with confirming the similarity of the layout, what you remember visually, etc. You can often (especially for older books), see the index and search within the book as well. With the "noise" created by the hundreds of thousands -- or is it millions? -- of food blogs out there within, you usually do better going directly to Google Books. ;o)
LeBec F. January 15, 2014
'jog my memory' doesn't seem to be happening beyond what i've alrdy writte. I did see that antique garden home piece but no luck so far. thks much.
rt21 January 14, 2014 has modified the original recipe of cc's zucchini quiche. That version might jog youre memory or maybe you can contact the site and get the original recipe
LeBec F. January 14, 2014
The deal breaker is the Italics of the recipe ingredients and the location and date at the top of each page. A helpful Chow hound and amysarah both think the Memorable Meals and the SERIES of CC's Favorites from the NYTimes- have the location and date headers, so now i need to find the 6 or so in that series and look at their index for Zucchini. It had something tart in the custard- sour cream or yoghurt- and i don't remember if it had dill or other herbs. It sounds like the Manicotti with Chicken and Almonds is also from that Favorites series, so maybe it and the zucchini quiche recipe are in different books in the series..... Whew!

Anyone have any of those books? might you look in the index? Thx so much- the Quest goes on!!'s+favorites&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Acraig+claiborne's+favorites
cookbookchick January 14, 2014
LBF - this link to me to Liz, not Craig.
cookbookchick January 15, 2014
*took not to
Pegeen January 14, 2014
Sorry if I am repeating previous info... these may or may not be fee-based, if you are not already a subscriber to the newspaper.

Craig Claiborne & Pierre Franey
Alsatian Pork and Zucchini Quiche – The New York Times, 1984

Craig Claiborne & Pierre Franey
Zucchini & Ham Quiche – The New York Times, 1978
Greenstuff January 14, 2014
Sorry for the funny spacing. Anyway, I wanted to add that my not seeing a recipe in the first one, doesn't mean it wasn't there. It could have had a different name.
Greenstuff January 14, 2014 (a wonderful website for which I cheerfully pay $25 per year to keep track of my own cookbooks) lists Manicotti with Creamed Chicken and Almonds in two books-- Craig Claiborne's Favorites from the New York Times (1977):

Recipes, Restaurants, Tools, Techniques, People, and Places - Volume 3 by Craig Claiborne (I don't see a zucchini quiche one there)

The New New York Times Cookbook by Craig Claiborne and Pierre Franey (there's a zucchini and ham quiche in that one)
louisez January 14, 2014
The New York Times has a 1978 article on zucchini by CLaiborne and Franey, with a recipe for zucchini and ham quiche. Article is available free for subscribers, or I could try to e-mail it if you think it might be what you're looking for.
amysarah January 14, 2014
Meg - there's a town called Pawling a couple of hours north of NYC, if that's the one meant here.

Anyway, my mother had a Craig Claiborne cookbook called something like Craig Claiborne's Memories of Meals...or CC's Memories....something along those lines. I think it was smallish, definitely published in the 80's and organized like a diary, with dates (and maybe places) noted. Could that be it?
luvcookbooks January 14, 2014
Could it be Lee Bailey's Weekend Cooking? Sounds like one of his recipes. Where is Pawling? I am finishing up a very busy time at work and a bit sick but will quest through my Lee Bailey cookbooks.... no wait they are too large. Darn it!
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