Hi there - I am planning a dinosaur themed party for my son's 4th birthday, does any one have ideas on dinosaur food that is dino-themed?

Looking for fun ideas on lunch items that are dinosaur themed, either shaped (from a cookie cutter) or Jurassic inspired lunch items. thanks!

  • Posted by: Kerri
  • March 10, 2014


Tallgrass K. March 12, 2014
We had one of these last year. Instead of a cake, I used a popover pan to make chocolate "volcanoes". Baked them, inverted them and topped with streaky red and orange icing for lava.
savorthis March 12, 2014
We are having a T-Rex Princess party and I gave up on the food ideas other than the cake which will hopefully get out of my brain and onto the cake all in one piece. But we did papier mache large balloons which we stuffed with treats and painted to look like eggs which will sit in a bit nest of twigs. I did see lots of posts about herbivores vs carnivores but that has to be more interesting that just carrot sticks to make a deal of it. I do like the chicken/turkey leg ideas too...
Dona March 11, 2014
Go to Pinterest and type in dinosaur birthday party. Lots of fun ideas!
Sam1148 March 11, 2014
Oh...don't forget the classis crushed oreos (dirt) with chocolate pudding. You could make some bone shaped cookie and bury in the 'dirt'.

Or just stay with the classic Gummy worms and Gummy bugs.
LucyS March 17, 2014
I like this! And for a nod to Jurassic Park, make the big t-rex footprints in the 'dirt'.
You can also just label everything in dinosaur terms - like, different food for the "vegisauruses" and "meautasauruses".
Sam1148 March 11, 2014
Dinosaur egg.
Separate yoke and white from about 12 eggs. Find a good hemispherical bowl and line with plastic wrap and (important) spray with oil.
Bake in a water bath of about 250 until it thoroughly sets up.

Make the white part using a nonstick pan with lots of butter to fry the white. Slide that out in a plate. Invert the baked yoke in the center.

Season with paprika (or Zartar) salt and pepper. Serve with toast points...with little pickles on the side.
Declan March 10, 2014
Why not speak with the market, butcher, and order a BIG chicken/hen? Just need to marinade the tough old bird in, maybe buttermilk, and it's good.
Turkey legs tend to be tougher to deal with
S March 10, 2014
Saw a basket of Bugles online named Dinosaur Toe Nails. I don't know how you feel about corn products and snack things in general, but if you had some good Ranch dressing and some baby carrots or other vegetables that the kids like nearby, maybe they would dip a carrot or two in the Ranch as well as a Bugle.

Deviled eggs, if the kids like them. Maybe crack and cook like Chinese tea eggs in a mild tea to make them look fossilized.

Fossil Cookies. Just a simple plain dough, rough-shaped to look like the molding a dig would make. Plastic bugs, insects, toy dino feet (all well-washed, of course) pressed into the raw cookie, then baked. Google "Fossil Cookies" for pictures. If the kids like cheese, maybe use a cheddar dough to make savory ones. Dip the feet into sweet or sweet-smoked paprika before imprinting to make the image come out a little more discernible.

Agree with LambChop about the sandwiches. One thing that I was reminded of is that many of the dinosaur cutters are rather large. You might want to consider a large enough loaf so that you can cut on the diagonal and fit the cutter on. Meat and cheese could be a problem. Or resort to PB&J or Nutella, or cream cheese and jelly, or something that you don't have to cut, other than the bread.

Michele March 11, 2014
I love the stained egg idea! http://www.marthastewart.com/342418/spiderweb-eggs
If you do them with tea they come out brown and look really old.
sexyLAMBCHOPx March 10, 2014
You could also make dinosaur cookies and have an activity for the kids to pain/decorate their cookies and bake off as a goody to tke home
sexyLAMBCHOPx March 10, 2014
If you have any dinosaur cookie cutters use them to cut out dinosaur shaped cheese, bread and fruit shapes.
Maedl March 10, 2014
The turkey legs are appropriate because there are most likely dinosaurs in birds' ancestry.
Michele March 10, 2014
How about using dinosaur kale as a decoration? Not sure little people would want to eat it but it certainly is a cool thought that this is what they munched on.

Voted the Best Reply!

sexyLAMBCHOPx March 10, 2014
dinosaur Kale Chips!
judyschwab March 10, 2014
Call them roasted t-rex legs.
judyschwab March 10, 2014
Turkey legs, roasted. They're huge and make a great impression with kids! Our son loved them barbecued...32 years ago!
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