Help! I must make a Kentucky Whiskey Cake in the morning, not just baking but also letting it cool so I can wrap it and mail it before the Post Office pick up at 1:30. The recipe is fairly standard (3/4 lb. butter, 1/2 pound raisins, 1 lb. candied cherries, etc.) and is usually cooked in a large tube pan for "3 to 4 hours" in a somewhat slow oven (300 degrees F). I want to break it down into two loaf pans. How long should I bake the two cakes? I've been totally burning the candles at both ends at work, from early in the morning until very late at night, even on the weekends, for weeks now. I have one window free tomorrow, so I plan to get up early. But how early, pray tell, must I get the cakes into the oven, with this deadline? Thank you! ;o)



anyone December 18, 2010
Sorry, at 350F
anyone December 18, 2010
For loaf pans that are 2 1/4x31/2x8innch for about 1/2 lb of batter would be aprox. 50-60min and a 2 3/4 x 4 1/2x 8 1/2 would be 55-65min. This is for high fat cakes

For foam-type cakes for the same size would be 25-30min
betteirene December 18, 2010
Too coincidental. . .I just put my fruitcakes in the oven so that I can mail them to Illinois in the morning.

Give yourself two to two and a half hours, but start checking for doneness after an hour and 45 minutes.

Let your nose be your guide--begin to check when you detect the full-bodied smell of cake, then take a peek to see if the cakes have begun to pull away from the sides of the pans. The toothpick/skewer test isn't a good predictor of doneness for these cakes because the sticky fruit clings to the tester, making it seem as if it will never come out clean.

Take a deep breath. . .exhale. . .inhale. . .let it go. Repeat after me: There ARE enough hours in the day. . .
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