My broiler is broken. I want to make a miso glazed salmon that is usually browned under the broiler then quickly baked. Ideas?

Robyn Miller


trampledbygeese May 21, 2014
Do you happen to have a blow torch?
How about your toaster oven, does it have a broiler?
Failing those, the searing in a fry pan looks like the tastiest option.
Let us know what you do and how it turns out.
petite_oiseau May 21, 2014
You could always just sear it in a hot pan with some oil.
Sear the bottom and cover with the lid to cook it to your done-ness and then sear the other side with the lid off to make it crispy. I am not sure if there is any sugar/sweetness in the glaze you are using, and if so you might watch it extra close to be sure the sugars don't burn.
HalfPint May 20, 2014
You have a small blow torch (like the one for making creme brulee)? If so, try using that to caramelize the glaze before baking. You can get one these small torches at the hardware store for about $10.
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