Does anyone have a good lemon poppyseed muffin recipe?

Not sure if it's better with yogurt or not?



Jennifer G. January 18, 2015
I've been looking for a recipe that is similar to the Smith Canteen lemon poppyseed muffins since the place was taken over by strollers and I was then priced out of the neighborhood. After much research (and thinking it must be an oil based muffin, perhaps with buttermilk) I looked on my favorite site, Smitten Kitchen. The closest I could get was the madeline recipe but then I realized that the consistency of the Smith Canteen recipe is similar to a madeline. So. I took the Smitten Kitchen madeline recipe and tweeked it a bit and turned it into a very close version of the Smith Canteen muffins. Mmmmmm. Here's the link to the madeline recipe. Add poppy seeds and lemon juice. You don't have to refrigerate. Then look up a glaze for the top. One tip: double all things lemon! Also, no need to do the yogurt...
Jennifer G. January 18, 2015
jimmyray May 23, 2014
I've had good results with the Cook's Illustrated recipe and it uses yogurt. The muffins are very light. The tops are a little pale, so I want to experiment with darkening them.
sfmiller May 23, 2014
I like this one from Elise Bauer, which does include yogurt:

It makes a LOT. I usually halve the recipe, except for the lemon zest and poppy seeds, and get seven or eight muffins in a standard tin.
Cristina S. May 23, 2014
I'm afraid this doesn't really answer your question, but since I see you live in Brooklyn: the best lemon poppyseed muffin I've ever had comes from Smith Canteen, right off the F/G at Carroll Gardens. Maybe they will share their recipe? (And if so, please let me know!)
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