Any ideas for a Father's Day dinner?

I want to cook a dinner for my dad, but don't know what to make. Any ideas?

  • Posted by: Emily
  • May 25, 2014


Summer O. May 28, 2014
My Dad loves a roast chicken with mashed potatoes. He also loves a solid pasta dish and Italian sausage. For some reason my husband always makes us dinner on Father's Day and he usually does something on the grill like beer can chicken or ribs always with potato salad.
MTMitchell May 27, 2014
My dad would want his favorites. Either steak on the grill (but then he'd have to make it....) or spaghetti and meatballs. Blueberry pie for dessert either way. And wine. But above what I chose to make my dad would love that I made him dinner and spent Father's Day with him. If you can make (or procure and fake-make) his favorites, great. But I bet your dad would love what you'd want to make (within reason -- if you're dad's a vegan he might not be super psyched about meatloaf) and to spend the time together.
ATG117 May 26, 2014
Grilling is great this time of year. You could go traditional with some great burgers and slaw. Flank steak would be another great meat option. Alternatively, you could grill pizzas. Any of these mains would pair well with sides geared around seasonal produce.
Sophie S. May 26, 2014
My daddy likes food that reminds him of my grandma's cooking ^^
But I think that all dads will appreciate food that is made with love and good intentions. All the best in your endeavours!
SKK May 26, 2014
Let your Dad know he is loved and appreciated. Ask him what his favorite foods are and prepare them no judgement allowed.
Pegeen May 25, 2014
What does your Dad like? You can't go wrong with catering to his favorites.

I usually cook my Dad's favorites that he doesn't get to eat too often - pretty much a steak-house type dinner. Steak, lamb chops or trout (pan fried) if I can get it fresh enough, peas with sauteed shallots, mashed potatoes, creamed spinach heavy on fresh nutmeg, crispy cold iceberg wedge salad with blue cheese dressing. Nothing makes him happier. Appetizer is oysters Rockefeller. This happily reminds him of his mother, a professional cook. But it does require a lot of time in the kitchen. You can't make much of it ahead of time. In any case, your Dad will probably just appreciate being with you, no matter what you're eating. :-)
inpatskitchen May 25, 2014
Give us a few ideas on his food he a meat eater or seafood lover? Do you want to grill? How many people will you be serving?
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