I purchased some wild sockeye salmon, which was smelly, slimy and mushy...when I returned it the fish monger insisted that is how is supposed to be?

  • Posted by: Rose
  • July 14, 2014


Debra July 15, 2014
if it doesn't smell like the ocean...
Rose July 15, 2014
Thank you so much for responding....P.S. I am in Toronto, Ontario Canada :)
Pegeen July 15, 2014
No fish should smell too fishy when you buy it. If it does, it's old and you don't want it. Never buy a fish without smelling it. The caveman part of your nose will tell you if it's OK or not.
realchef July 15, 2014
Sockey is a strong smelling salmon, Slimy to a certain extend with the skin on , no skin should not , look at the yes , if they are nice and clear and reflect light they are fresh , if sunken and dull it has been frozen , look at the gill should be nice and vibrant , no smell , look at the tail if it is frayed and curled it has been frozen and it is old , press your finger , id the indentation stay , that fish is older than me had been frozen deserve to stay on the shelves .
Other fresh salmon has very little smell and definitely not Slimy.
I do not know where you are , to illustrate my point , fish stay a couples days in the boat , overnight at the wholesale then 1 or 2 days at your fish monger , was it stored properly in ice without burning it? no one can tell . Trust your instinct if it quack , and womble it is a duck not a golden eagle .
Much to the Secret Service dismay I refuse to serve salmon to one of our US President , nothing wrong with it simply was a Monday and it was at least 4 days old , I went to His Table and said Mr President you may not and cannot have Salmon , He was puzzled His Wife laughed , finally someone who say no to you she said ... He was a sport fly fisherman , I did not want to take my chances .

This apply to basically all fish .
Rose July 15, 2014
Thank you for responding, I do not think I will purchase fish from there again....
Maedl July 15, 2014
I would definitely put up a stink to get your money back and then find a better source for fish. There is no need to out up with that kind of shop.
ChefJune July 15, 2014
No fish you purchase should ever be smelly. Nor slimy and mushy. If it was prewrapped, you should always demand it to be unwrapped so you can inspect it. If they won't let you do that, don't buy anything there any more! The fishmonger is full of hot air. And he knows he's lying to you. If you pruchased the fish at a market where there is someone who ranks above him, take your nasty package to that person. Pronto!
Greenstuff July 15, 2014
That wasn't fish; that was fowl!
Mama K. July 15, 2014
I'm wondering if the fish was "previously frozen"? I stopped buying salmon during the off-season because the texture of the "previously frozen" salmon seemed mushy, dense and thick. Now that I can find it "fresh" (not previously frozen) the texture seems much lighter and flakier. The leaner species (Coho, Sockeye) of salmon have a denser texture vs the more fatty species (Atlantic, King) anyway, and I think freezing the fish only compounds the dense texture. As for the slime? Perhaps it was related to how the fish was defrosted(??). Having said all that, fish should never be smelly or slimy and the real issue is that you were not satisfied. Any retailer worth its salt should honor their customers and it sounds like they clearly did not. You absolutely deserve an apology and a refund.

Voted the Best Reply!

Oh my! As someone who lives in an Alaskan fishing town where the wild sockeye salmon come from, I say demand your money back with gusto! And tell him I said, "Shame on you!" while you are at it. Fresh salmon has almost no smell at all except a salty clean ocean smell. Although a whole salmon might be slimy *on the skin* , the flesh should not be at all slimy, and certainly not mushy.
Good luck to you, I hope he sees sense. Selling bad fish (and worse insisting to the customer that it is supposed to be like that!!!!) is a disgrace to fishermen everywhere.
miss J. July 14, 2014
It's always a good idea to smell your fish before purchase. If they won't allow it, go somewhere else. Like a previous response, salmon should be firm
Rose July 14, 2014
Thank you for responding, I was beginning to doubt myself..:)
Susan W. July 14, 2014
Stick to your guns. :)
Susan W. July 14, 2014
I replied to your other question. Sockeye is the strongest tasting salmon so it may have a slight salmon odor. I've only eaten it fresh caught. It definitely shouldnot be slimy or mushy. It is a firm salmon. Always inspect and smell your fish before purchase at least until you know you have a trusted fish monger. Can you call and speak to a manager? It's far too expensive to put up with that nonsense.
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