I need a sauce to I over hotdogs and waffles!! Nutella? Maple? Help!!!

Sauce help waffles dogs hotdog

Noah Truwit


nutcakes September 20, 2014
I think a honey mustard sauce would be good, like a traditional ham sauce. The only ones I know use eggs, so I don't know if that will work for you.
Noah T. September 20, 2014
Turned out very well! Maple syrup, mustard, Nutella combo worked very well! I also added a s'mores waffle which was a hit. Feeling tired now. Thanks!
Susan W. September 20, 2014
Nice job Noah...and Noah's Dad.
Susan W. September 20, 2014
I just googled waffle dogs. I didn't realize they were a thing. The original recipe in Hawaii calls for maple syrup in the batter and served with ketchup and mustard. So..how about a sauce made with ketchup, mustard and a little maple syrup.
Susan W. September 20, 2014
He's cooking for 400 and it's just he and his dad and 3 waffle irons. As of last night, they had made 200 of the waffles. I think the waffles are the buns, but I could be wrong.

Noah, weren't you originally looking for a savory sauce? Or are the waffles dessert?
Pegeen September 20, 2014
Could you use sausages instead of hot dogs? Then just use maple syrup.

Are you serving hot dogs and waffles on the same plate? In a hot dog bun or is the waffle being turned into a bun? More info please! :-)
Noah T. September 20, 2014
Crisis please!!!
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