I made Merrill's Best Roast Chicken recipe and my oven was a huge mess
This chicken recipe was fabulous, but the chicken splattered all over the oven while roasting at 480 degrees. I did dry the chicken when I prepared it, but does anyone have any tips to not have the smoking inside the oven and the horrible mess afterward?
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I always remove all of the shelves that aren't being used, as those need to be hand cleaned (i.e., are not included in the "self-cleaning" activity); if left in, all that spattered gunk cooks onto them, hard, at the high temperature, adding more work when it comes time to clean them. Otherwise, I use a large, well seasoned baking sheet on a shelf above the chicken for roasted vegetables, in the top position, during the latter portion of the cooking. The bottom of the sheet gets a bit messy, but it does protect the top of the oven somewhat. Wish I could be of more help. ;o)