I need a good Nutella cookie (or other baked goods) recipe.

I have a surplus of Nutella in the kitchen I want to make it through, and I've been after a good solid Nutella cookie recipe. I read such mixed comments on most online recipes I could found, and I tried these on a recommendation: http://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/2012/10/easy-5-ingredient-fudgy-nutella-cookies-with-sea-salt/

The outsides were far too stick in the mouth chewy, and they fanned out with little melted burnt bits at the edges.

Alternatively, any (non frosting) suggestions of what to do with my Nutella, which is more of an everyday bake than a dessert or showstopper?

Rachel Phipps


Nancy February 8, 2015
As part of world nutella day (feb 6), there's a list circulating called something like official list of nutella recipes. Anyway, there appear to be 100s of recipes, grouped by type (brownies, cheesecake etc). See vaviper.blogspot.ca
Brain H. February 7, 2015
My kids always beg me to make this Nutella pound cake, but it is so rich I save it for special occasions, like when they get home from summer camp. http://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/nutella-swirl-pound-cake
Matthew C. February 7, 2015
This was a big hit at our Christmas breakfast table... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxaDxiqTiT0&app=desktop
Kristen W. February 7, 2015
These are CRAZY good and really not difficult:
AntoniaJames February 6, 2015
http://baketotheroots.de/?s=nutella ;o)
sexyLAMBCHOPx February 6, 2015
Here's a recipe for 2 ingredient Nutella brownies:
Fat T. February 6, 2015
I had an excess problem with cream cheese and did the following:
1 box of puff pastry (2 sheets), thawed and cut in to 9 pieces each
1 block of cream cheese (8oz) mixed with ~ 1/2 cup of nutella
Placed a teaspoon of the nutella / cream cheese on the pastry, folded the pastry over and baked on 350 until brown
Drizzled simple confectioners sugar frosting on the top when cooled
Not terribly difficult but all enjoyed them
hardlikearmour February 6, 2015
The Huffington Post Taste section has some ideas: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/02/05/recipes-with-nutella_n_1942810.html?utm_hp_ref=taste&ir=Taste
Nancy February 6, 2015
So much temptation!...that huff post article has some great looking ideas...
Nancy February 6, 2015
A few usage ideas:

Use to fill crepes or blintes, or top waffles, alone or with various cheeses or fruits.

use in tiramisu, instead of the cocoa powder and sugar in that dessert.

use in refrigerator cakes, also called chocolate biscuit cakes in England. See recipes and sub - as with the tiramisu - the nutella for chocolate and sugar

Possibly sub the nutella for peanut butter in on cookies (though I haven't tried this)

blend with some cream and/or orange flavoring and liqueur to make adult frozen pops or cocktail

Looking forward to see other ideas in this thread
AntoniaJames February 7, 2015
Love your idea, Nancy, of filling blintzes or crepes. I've been known (a long time ago) to warm up a whole wheat tortilla in the microwave (wrap in wet paper towel, nuke for a minute), spread with nutella and then roll up, and eat it by biting off starting at one end, no forks or knives involved. A slightly decadent first cousin to my standard PB&J roll up, made the same way. ;o)
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