.@Food52Hotline trying to get biscuits to brown on top. Raise temp or lower temp & increase cooking time?



mickle February 8, 2015
I have never used salt to brown a biscuit just for a little extra flavoring. Browning agents are either the egg wash as I mentioned above OR brush tops with a little melted butter. Do not extend the baking time or temperature as this will effect the quality of the biscuits texture.
LeBec F. February 7, 2015
Brush them with either a beaten egg, w/ salt , or cream, w/ salt. The Salt is what browns them. When you want a browner crust on anything, casserole or baked good, RAISING the heat will do it, not lowering the heat.
mrathmel February 7, 2015
Thanks! Only considered lowering temp to be able to leave in longer. Will try the salt.
mickle February 7, 2015
Brush tops with a little beaten egg wash (beat an egg with a little water)
mrathmel February 7, 2015
Thank you. Will give it a try.
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