Good extra virgin olive oil vs. cooking olive oil

How much does a "good" extra virgin olive oil cost? Should I just be using a good EVOO for drizzling, vinaigrettes, etc. and not for cooking? What type and price range olive oil should I use for cooking with heat?

  • Posted by: Jacob
  • February 13, 2015


HalfPint February 13, 2015
Expect olive oil prices to go up this year. 2014 was a disastrous year, weather-wise, for all the big producers and the yields were very low.
Susan W. February 13, 2015
I use Trader Joes Greek olive oil for cooking at moderate heat and California Olive Ranch extra virgin when uncooked. I love the stuff and it's fairly reasonably priced especially when on sale.
AntoniaJames February 13, 2015
I use the TJ's Spanish olive oil for cooking (like Susan W, moderate heat only) and for everyday non-cooked, I use the TJ's estate arbequina. For special dishes/parties, etc. I have a number of Greek and California oils that were given to me - all fruity, sumptuous, great-tasting. (My friends know what I like, and often bring to my parties or send over for the holidays excellent olive oil instead of wine or similar gifts. Aren't I lucky?!) ;o)
Nancy February 13, 2015
Tremendous price range, and lots if fraud at some points of origin. Once you've discobreed evoo, it's hard to go back to lesser tasting grades. Definitely use it where there is no cooking, eg salad dressing, finishing a dish. I bake with it a lot and find the taste and texture worth it. For frying or roasting, where volume & others flavors become important, I'd drop back to A lesser grade...maybe the Italian or Spanish brands that come in 3 liter cans. Last, find a retailer and or house brand you can trust and buy most of your evil there. And treat yourself occasionnaly to estate or special bottles.
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