What is the best and fastest way to make ghee( clarified butter)?

  • Posted by: KKool
  • March 8, 2015


Mallika March 11, 2015
My family used the method outlined by Le Bec Fin. Just use a heavy botomed saucepan to help collect the sediments on the bottom and skim off the ghee.
LeBec F. March 11, 2015
melt 1-2 lb. unsalted butter and cook 1/2-1 hour over LOWEST possible heat, til butter browns just slightly and emits a nutty aroma. Skim off any foam. Leaving brown butterfat particles in the bottom, pour the melted butter through a cheesecloth-lined sieve-- into a clean jar or plastic tub. Let cool completely, and top with tight fitting lid. Refrig or freeze.
Panfusine March 12, 2015
Same technique here, but I also like to drop in a sprig of curry leaves/4-5 cloves after I remove the ghee from the heat, there is sufficient heat to extract the flavors from the herb/spices and perfume the ghee in a subtle manner.
As for the brown butter fat particles, they taste divine, just toss in some cooked basmati along with some salt and pepper into the ghee sauce pan fold so tat te rice gets coated and enjoy it as as a side.
or, add water to the pan after pouring out the ghee, bring to a boil & use it as a stock.
nancy E. March 10, 2015
I simply melt it in a small pot and skim off the foam. When I pour it into a jar, I leave the dregs in the pot. Easy peasy
Ascender March 8, 2015
Depends how much you are making. Because it keeps so well, I generally make a large amount. That isn't the quickest way, but compared to making a little bit every time I need it, it is faster.
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