A Facebook fan wants to know, "Does anyone know of a good pizza dough recipe for a bread maker?"

Jaime Brockway


Lazyretirementgirl April 19, 2015
The recipe in Lora Brody's Bread Machine Baking is excellent. However, she gives slightly different quantities and instructions for different brands and makes of machines, so, rather than repeat one here, as Annie so kindly has done, I suggest you look at the book and see what matches up with your particular machine.
Annie S. April 19, 2015
Good advice! My machine is a Zo but I have used this in three different machines so I thought it was a pretty universal recipe. Lora Brody rocks!
Annie S. April 17, 2015
This is from the Foods of the World Series Italian cookbook . I have been using it for 30 years and adapted it to the bread machine.
3/12 cups flour
1 1/4 cup water
1/4 cup olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
2 1/4 teaspoons of yeast
Put liquids and salt into machine , add flour , add yeast on top, process on pizza cycle(or just dough cycle) . At end of cycle refrigerate for at least one hour or overnight. Bring to room temp before using. It makes 3 medium pizzas.
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