Crustless cherry pie?

I love cherry pie but I am a terrible pie crust maker and I actually do not like eating flakey pie crust (probably related) although I enjoy the soggy bottom crust that is soaked with cherry pie filling goodness. Anyway, can I bake a cherry pie without a top crust or do away with the crust altogether? I am not a novice baker in general, but I don't make many pies. Thanks!

Garlic Fiend


sexyLAMBCHOPx June 8, 2015
or a parfait with whipped cream and/or crumbled sweet cracker biscuits.
Nancy June 8, 2015
in addition to the ideas so far (ice cream, clafoutis, etc), consider these if you like the related flavors or textures:
black forest cake (chocolate, 2 kinds of cherries, whipped cream)
a spread mixing cherries with cream cheese and seasoning appropriate for sweet or savory version
cherry soufflé
cheesecake with cherry topping
cherry cobbler or crumble
Kukla June 8, 2015
Here are two recipes I think you’ll like:
Garlic F. June 8, 2015
They look delicious! I think I will need to buy more cherries to make all these suggested recipes. Thank you, everyone!
Cav June 7, 2015
You could always make a cherry tart
PieceOfLayerCake June 7, 2015
First of all, when I hear people say they don't like pie crust, I have to assume its because they're used to crappy supermarket crusts made with processed shortening. Pie crusts aren't easy to get perfect, but it really doesn't take too much practice to master one. I never really cared for pie until I became proficient with all-butter crusts, and began using quality ingredients (and enough salt).

If you're absolutely sure you don't like pie crust, I suggest either something along the lines of a cobbler (I like almond-butter streusel with cherry cobbler)...OR just baking pie filling in a ceramic dish, covered tightly in foil. Just make sure the foil isn't resting on the fruit (in case its too acidic), and there are vents cut.
Garlic F. June 7, 2015
Yeah. I really do not like pie crust. Believe me, I've tried. I generally don't like dry pastry--crusts, biscuits, etc. So the perfect buttery flakey pie crust just doesn't do it for me. I just don't know if the pie filling will get weird if it is baked directly in the dish without any crust holding it
PieceOfLayerCake June 7, 2015
I'm almost too sad to suggest anything haha. really wouldn't need to bake a filling...if that's all you're after, mix some cherries with some sugar, cornstarch and some zing (I like a bit of Amaretto) then just cook over low heat, stirring until thick. Chill it, serve it over some ice it with some whipped crème fraîche perhaps....its up to crust necessary.
Garlic F. June 7, 2015
Cook on stovetop! So obvious and yet so Brilliant! I just happen to have yummy ice cream in my freezer now. Love the clafoutis idea as well. Never thought of that. I've only made one clafoutis in my life so far; great reason to do it again!
PieceOfLayerCake June 7, 2015
Ooh ooh! Clafoutis? I love baking clafoutis in little ramekins. Delicious.
PieceOfLayerCake June 7, 2015
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