quick chinese cabbage recipes

This time of year we always receive a lot of chinese cabbage in our csa basket and I always struggle with ways to use them other than stir fry. I'm wondering if anyone here has any suggestions for quick recipes for me to try (and I live in a fairly remote area so please no "exotic" ingredients). And feel free to offer any suggestions for green and purple cabbage as well since we usually get several heads of them each week at the end of the season.

  • Posted by: ktr
  • July 14, 2015


Kristen W. July 15, 2015
I asked a question a while back about how to use up large amounts of cabbage. Search the hotline for "Jurassic cabbage help" and you can see the suggestions I got.
Nancy July 15, 2015
Rakott Kaposta, a Hungarian casserole, either in its original (pork) version or a vegetarian one (with apples, onion, feta)

sautéed with onions and bow-tie pasta (perhaps a bit hearty for summer, but ok on a cooler evening)

braised with soy, ginger, sesame, szechuan peppers (proportions to your taste). can add some meat or tofu to make a main dish

sautéed with onions, a Jewish or central European dish. yummy made with schmaltz or sour cream

sauteed with a mix of spinach and beet greens, onion, chilies
see Suzanne Goin recipe for cavolo nero in LA Times, 28 Jan 2009
Nancy July 15, 2015
2nd and 4th entry are really the same (sorry, didn't catch duplication).
inpatskitchen July 14, 2015
This could work:
ktr July 14, 2015
That looks great! I think I'm going to make that tomorrow night
Midge July 14, 2015
sauerkraut? http://www.wildfermentation.com/making-sauerkraut-2/
ktr July 14, 2015
That's a great idea but I already make more sauerkraut and kimchi than I can eat!
Uncle J. July 14, 2015
Chop onion, cabbage, and ham steak into bite sized pieces. Chop some sun dried tomatoes into small bits. Saute everything with some olive oil, in this order: onion, ham, tomato, cabbage. Other veg such as zucchini, peppers, mushrooms, whatever will work, too. Amounts depend on what you like. Serve over your favorite pasta. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese as desired. Fast, cheap, flexible.
ktr July 14, 2015
That sounds great. Thanks!
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