Farmers! Is there a produce equivalent to "butcher's cuts"?

What are you eating that you're not sharing with the rest of us—because it's too good?

Kenzi Wilbur
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

702551 August 20, 2015
They keeping the perfectly ripened stuff for their daily use. After all, what's perfect *right now* is often unsuitable for commercial produce shipping, especially transcontinental.

This is one of the benefits of shopping at a farmers market since the produce doesn't travel long/far and can be presented at nearly perfect ripeness.

There's one stand at my farmers market that grows peruano beans for their personal consumption. If there's some extra, they sell at farmers market, but they don't consider it a commercial crop. Whenever I see those beans, I buy them because I know they're not really supposed to be there.
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