cooking prime rib

My parents have been making a prime rib during the holidays since forever, but now that they are getting on in years, I’d like to take on this task for them. I suspect that there must be a better method than the one they use. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
This is what they do:

1. A prime rib, about 17-20 lbs is put in a 380-400F oven for about half an hour.
2. They then remove the oil that’s collected. The heat is reduced to 375F and the beef is topped with some onions, carrots and celery, black and white peppercorns, and bay leaves for about 20 minutes.
3. Boiling water is poured into the pan so that the beef sits in about a 2-3 inches of water.
4. The beef is basted about every 20 minutes with the stock, and once it approaches rare (tested by touch on the sides of the beef), it is taken out of the oven, and allowed to rest.
5. The juices are then strained, seasoned, and simmered on the stove.
6. The beef is sliced for each family member, ½”-3/4” thick, and put into the stock (which is over a low flame) until to desired doneness. It is served with a ladleful of the stock.

I don’t want to stray too far from what everyone likes (having the stock, customizing doneness), but the lifting of the beef out to remove the oil, etc. always seems dangerous and arduous to me. Can I do something similar which will be simpler?

Many thanks!



joanne October 29, 2017
please help..I defrosted a two rib roast & party cancelled!!!!!
Nancy October 29, 2017
Cook all.
Eat hot first night.
Trim meat...use in your favorite beef dishes (salad, sandwich, tacos, etc).
The dog gets the bones.
If no dog, the freezer gets the bones for later soup making.
joanne October 29, 2017
please help..I defrosted a two rib roast & party cancelled!!!!!
WileyP September 28, 2015
I've been low-and-slow roasting our standing rib roasts for years. Wouldn't even think of roasting them any other way. I posted a recipe here a few years back, called Lazy Standing Rib Roast.
PieceOfLayerCake September 27, 2015
This isn't "easier" per se, but I will tell you this....ever since I started dry aging my prime rib....the praise has become far more glowing. Its super simple, just the rib set over a rack in a sheet pan in the fridge (lowest shelf), draped with towels. I just change the towels every for 7 of a difference. As I said, its not easier, but its certainly easy....just takes a bit of foresight (of which you have 3 months!)
scruz September 27, 2015
cook's illustrated has a marvelous way to do a beef roast that will never be overdone and has a beautiful color when sliced. the book is called "steaks, chops, roasts and ribs" and is one of my favs for this recipe and also the rankings on the cuts of meats and the value and taste for your money. the recipe is for a 7 lb. roast and they sear it on all sides before putting in oven but i skip this part and it comes out beautifully browned on its own. it is cooked at 250 degrees. take out of fridge at least an our in advance and then it is salted and peppered first and up on a rack over baking pan. they seared it to eliminate any chance of bacteria on the exterior and i sometimes cook it for 1/2 hour at maybe 400 + degrees. cooking this way the rosy color is found from edge to center if done to the temps they recommend for medium rare or rarer, it was much juicier and shrinkage was minuscule. HOWEVER if everyone likes the original recipe, you shouldn't change it but do yourself a favor and try it at 250 degrees on a non family holiday dinner occasion for yourself. it is the way most restaurants do their prime rib and it stays that same doneness for a long time without over cooking. i get rave reviews every time i have served it at the holidays for the family. i do the cooking for the elderly m-i-l and adult children.
Michelle September 29, 2015
I use the Cook's method as well, most often on the gas BBQ. This probably would not suit your family though as it does not allow for a variety of done-ness as yours does. And, if done on the BBQ, you would not have any broth. You should try it for yourself some time though. It's lovely with Bernaise sauce.
Susan W. September 27, 2015
I agree with Sam. If you start messing with the perfect original, it may just change everything. I'd find a "lift the beef partner" and carry on. The lifting to strain the oil may be arduous, but it shouldn't be dangerous. You could slice the roast in half, but position it as a full roast if that would help, do that. Otherwise, I'd stick with the original because it's a cool method and it will make them happy.
Sam1148 September 27, 2015
I wouldn't change a thing. There are simpler recipes...but I doubt any that good, because it sounds wonderful. However if physics the "Turkey Lifters". Which would work with prime rib. Some are simply string cradles you use for lifting...others are metal fork like thing and others are trays with high handles. Take a google at turkey lifters. Also. I'm going to remember your post around new year when I do prime rib because your family's tech sounds wonderful.
sexyLAMBCHOPx September 27, 2015
Could you cut that huge prime rib in two, three or four pieces so its easier to handle?
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