Add Pinterest page to profile

I'm excited to join this years holiday swap, and after signing up, I went to my profile to see what others would see. I love that I can link my instragram page to my profile - any thoughts about adding a pinterest page as well? Plus, to be honest, pinterest is where I store most of my recipes (both tried and wait to be tried), not on food52. Would be fun to browse others pinterest pages as well... Just a thought!



Lindsay-Jean H. November 17, 2015
Thanks for the suggestion, I've shared it with our product team!

And, for future reference, you can always reach us with questions or comments about the site at [email protected]
TheFritschKitchen November 17, 2015
Thanks - I did not know how to submit a suggestion, but knew you guys are great about watching the hotline for comments, so I posted there. I will send future ideas to the editors!!!
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