I'm brainstorming snacks to have on the table for our New Year's gathering.

Most folks aren't arriving until 9ish. I have cheese/pate/crackers etc. The catch is that I have no interest in leaving the house today. . . I'm going to make a dip of some kind with stuff that we have around, and plan on some spiced nuts. Any other last minute ideas for a well stocked larder?

Emilie Kornheiser


scruz December 31, 2015
our local gourmet supermarket had an orange, green and white cream cheese based spread. green was pesto, orange was dried tomato and white was garlic and herbs. i got it on a whim but everyone including me loved it and it looked pretty. it was a slab with all three colors layered together, but i imagine even little dabs of it would look nice together. b-i-l is gluten free so served with blue diamond brand crackers made from almonds. they are great. happy new year.
rt21 December 31, 2015
Maybe if you have cherry tomatoes stuff with tuna, dates wrapped in bacon or stuffed with cheese and almonds , garlic bread , cheese fondu , flatbread pizza, mini quiche ... With or without crust , deviled eggs,
amysarah December 31, 2015
If you have puff pastry, besides pinwheels/palmiers with various fillings, you can also do small turnovers filled with chutney (I usually have several 1/2 jars in the fridge!) and grated cheese (cheddar, etc.) baked with egg wash on top.

Also, for pantry snacks, deviled eggs with various flavorings - e.g., curry, smoked paprika - are always good. (I have a recipe on this site, but it requires smoked whitefish.) Speaking of smoked fish - I keep a few cans of good smoked oysters around for quick noshes like this - if you happen to have any (or smoked clams or mussels,) drain them and fold into a mixture of mayo, dijon, chopped capers and parsley, and a dash of Tabasco. Delicious on crackers or thin baguette slices.
Liza H. December 31, 2015
Olives baked in some red wine with fennel seeds and orange peel.
Nancy December 31, 2015
Roasted spiced garbanzos...many recipes out there. Basic uses olive oil and cumin, optional garlic and sea salt. Great with drinks
Bevi December 31, 2015
An onion tart sounds great! inpatskitchen has a great recipe for pinwheels that you could adapt to what's in your fridge and pantry.
Bevi December 31, 2015
If you have some frozen puff pastry and a few things for fillings, there are all sorts of great recipes on the site. Let us know and I am sure folks will chime in.
Emilie K. December 31, 2015
I tend to go a bit overboard once I start making puff pastry-- wrapping everything-- but maybe I could just make enough for an onion tart.
Caroline L. December 31, 2015
marinated olives are always a hit! as is hummus. or you could make a big flatbread and cut it into strips or squares!
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