Chicken soup gone wrong somehow
I made some chicken soup. Here is what I did. I put a 7 lb chicken in a big pot with water to cover it. Threw in some garlic, potatoes, yams and turnips then it boiled away for a few hours. When everything was cooked I deboned all the chicken and cut it into small pieces and put in back in the soup. Then I let everything cool overnight on the stove. I finished deboning at 10 pm last night. This morning the soup was fizzing and it tasted sour. I have followed this procedure quite a few times but never used turnip before. It is the turnip that has created this fizz and sour taste? I put the soup in jars because I was going to freeze it but once I put the lid on I could hear that infamous sound and I don’t want the jars to explode in my freezer. What should I do next? The jars are all in the fridge now with the lids on very loosely. Thanks.
As to the jars: maybe this sounds crazy to you, but would you consider this?:
1)pour a jar into a bowl and pick out all the turnip(big pieces i'm hoping)
2) strain the liquid from the bowl into another container. Is it tasty?
3) taste the solids. Are they tasty? If not, rinse them in a colander. and re-taste. If still NOT, then trash it.
5) if only the solids are tasty, add to them new chicken stock and any other liquids.
6) if solids and liquid are tasty, combine them and supplement as needed. If this method saves you having to cook the whole darn pot again, I say hoorah! (but maybe that's just me.)
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