CRUMMY Pie Books!
52's recent Tart Contest has me thinking alot more about pies and tarts.and, especially, new and different tart shells. So I got today, from my local library, a copy of Handheld Pies, and Magpie. CruMMY! Both of them have no mention of alternative flours (except Magpie, which includes a cornmeal crust.whoopie.) 'Whole wheat' isn't even in the index of these 2 books! but they have lots of pretty pictures......
Recommended by Food52
Maybe it's time for you to think about what your role in the world is.
Anyhow, maybe you should read the index first before checking the book out. For certain, you should be far more judicious about the books you read. It's *your* time after all, not ours.
And what do we learn from your tirade? Nothing. We already know that there are tons of pie cookbooks that don't address alternative flours.
And you can basically rule out any cookbook written over 10 years ago. Anyhow, good luck.
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