Discarded sourdough starter

I've been nurturing a sourdough starter for a couple of weeks now, waiting for it be to ready to bake bread with. My question is: Can I collect the discard from several days in the same bowl inmy Fridge and use it all at once, or must you use discard the days it's "discarded"?

Sarah Jampel


Guy F. June 28, 2017
Sarah, for best results I wouldn't try to bake with old discards. Absolutely not with discard from a starter that has not matured yet. Also, your starter might be ready. Try building a dough with your lateral discard. Use 15% starter to flour. And see how it performs.
AntoniaJames April 22, 2016
I just posted my adaptation of the pancakes /waffles made using the spent starter: https://food52.com/recipes/52167-sourdough-pancakes-or-waffles-using-starter-left-over-from-feedings?preview=true
I made them this morning - a Friday! Putting them on the two burner griddle that came with my stove made it so, so easy. ;o)
Kerry G. April 22, 2016
AntoniaJames April 11, 2016
Sarah, what hydration is your starter? And what kind(s) of flour are you feeding it? ;o)
Barbara April 11, 2016
I called King Arthur Flour direct line years ago when I got my first starter from them....it didn't seem right to "throw away" all that starter..Which it exactly what the routine calls for....
So stead, I treated it like a separate batch and made my own pizza dough ( eyeball it...add flour, olive oil, Italian seasonings....mix it up, leave in fridge a day or so..YUMMM.... OR use it for English muffins ( got recipe from CHOCLATEANDZYCCHINI or KA)

Also, do try yo feed it regularly, however unless a terrible smell is associated with it, th slime green color means nothing ...just baby it along and I will do just fine.
jakestavis April 11, 2016
I just began a starter maybe 8 or 9 days ago so I'm in the same boat as you (using the Tartine no. 3 method), and used my discard yesterday for this focaccia using Spelt and AP flour and topped with zaatar -- turned out great!

Kerry G. April 11, 2016
Thank you! I will definite make this. I love the Bojon Gourmet.
AntoniaJames April 9, 2016
Helpful discussion in the comments about halfway down this page: Rivka and I, on using starter in more conventional loaves. https://food52.com/recipes/4022-buttermilk-oatmeal-bread

I bake Tartine Bread or similar artisanal boules every week, so I have a fair bit of spent starter on hand. I like to add it to my multigrain sandwich breads, using these simple rules for adapting:

1. Start with a bread recipe that has been tested using mass (gram or ounce) measures, not volume. I adapted my Buttermilk Oatmeal Bread recipe to provide metric measures and to use instant yeast (easier). https://food52.com/recipes/40561-buttermilk-oatmeal-bread-updated

2. Figure out how many grams of water and how many grams of flour are in your starter. If you have a 100% hydration, you have equal amounts of each.

3. Substitute liquid and flour ratably. I have found that there is a limit to how much starter can be substituted, as the yeast needs fresh flour to feed on during the two proofing stages. I typically don't go above 1/3 total liquid + flour.

4. I use yeast, but not as much - as little as 1/4 teaspoon of instant for a long, slow ferment, up to about 1 1/2 teaspoon, with less on warm days. You get a better loaf - texture, not just flavor - if the dough doesn't proof quickly.

5. Bake according to base recipe instructions.

* * * *
Taking this in another direction: I also use my spent starter to make a basic hybrid sandwich loaf. I feed it a bit for a few hours before starting, adding what is necessary to get the total up to 260 grams. Stir 250 grams starter with 210 grams water; add 1/2 teaspoon instant yeast and 375 grams flour (usually AP with a bit of whole wheat and rye, total about 40 grams) and stir. Add 7 grams salt and stir. Let sit for twenty minutes. Knead for 10 minutes with dough hook on mixer. Turn into oiled bowl, let rise for 1 - 4 hours depending on temperature, how much yeast, etc., until doubled. Shape and put in loaf pan lined with a parchment sling. Let rise until the top is one inch above the rim of your loaf pan, 1 - 2 hours, again depending on conditions. Do not let it over-proof. Bake at 400 degrees for 40 minutes. Let cool for at least an hour before slicing. ;o)

Kerry G. April 9, 2016
THANKYOU Antonia!!! I am looking forward to the jam sandwich.... Also really good are waffles with vanilla ice cream and maple syrup.
Kerry G. April 9, 2016
I don't really have a recipe, I just eyeball it... But put the 1-1.5 cups discard in large bowl. In separate small bowl or liquid measuring cup, put about a up of liquid... I use water for general use, milk if I'm thinking of going sweet. If the latter, I also add about 1/3 c sugar, and some melted butter. My yeast needs proofing, so I add it to this liquid and wait for it to he foamy before I add liquid to discard. If you have the instant yeast, you can skip the separate bowl and just add to discard to make slurry. Then about two cups flour and 1/2 tbsp salt. Mix all together ( just until incorporated). Should be really sticky and shaggy. I hope this helps!!! Let me know if you have more questions :)
Kerry G. April 9, 2016
Oh, and I have this bookmarked, but haven't tried yet: http://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1018025-sourdough-pancake-or-waffle-batter
Sarah J. April 9, 2016
Had already planned to try that one for Sunday morning!! ????
AntoniaJames April 9, 2016
I've used that recipe twice already, once for pancakes and once for waffles. I'll be using it again! My started is half wheat, half AP, giving the waffles a great flavor. May I respectfully suggest:

(i) Double the vanilla and add a healthy pinch each of cinnamon and nutmeg; and

(ii) If making waffles, make a lot of them - more than you'll eat for breakfast. Cool, refrigerate tightly covered. Warm in the microwave with a damp paper towel, break in half, spread one quadrant with cultured butter and homemade jam or marmalade, fold over, eat out of hand the best butter and jam sandwich you'll have had in a good long while. Trust me on this.

More on how to use the discarded starter in breads, later.
AntoniaJames April 9, 2016
That should be, "my starter".
aargersi April 9, 2016
So when you half it and feed it, you are saving up the "toss" half? It SEEMS to me like you could use that to make bread! I say try it, the worst that could happen is you waste a few cups of flour, right?
Kerry G. April 9, 2016
I save all the discard in a container in fridge. I use it to make no knead bread (1-1.5 cups discard in bowl. Measure about 1c liquid in jug with some sugar and 1/2 tbsp yeast... Let sit until yeast foamy, then mix with discard until you have a "slurry" , then add about 2 cups flour, sprinkle 1/2 tbsp salt over and mix all together to get fairly sticky, shaggy dough. Let rise about 2 hours... Maybe a quick knead at 1 hour to de-gas). You can shape into loaf and let rest while you preheat to 450, or use for pizza, hand "pies", calzone, cinnamon buns, soft pretzels etc....
Sarah J. April 9, 2016
Definitely going to try this today!! What do you mean when you say "Measure about 1 cup liquid in a jug"? What liquid do you use? And then you add the discard? Do you have a recipe for this bread? Thank you!!!!
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