Best Rolling Pin for Wedding Gift?

I'm on the edge going off registry, but maybe y'all can talk me down....
My friend (casual cook/baker) requested a lightweight, nonstick rolling pin ($8). On top of it sounding functionally horrible based on my previous rolling experience (not much!), it has cruddy reviews.

Instead, I'd love to get them a nice marble rolling pin, but I'm not sure if it's appropriate for general usage. Is a marble rolling pin a specialty, pastry tool or can anybody make use of it? I'd delightedly take specific recommendations too!

Sean R
  • Posted by: Sean R
  • June 1, 2016


Sean R. June 2, 2016
We've opted to spoil them and pick out a better product! I do think they're selecting gifts under $30 to keep it affordable for guests. Thank you for your thoughts!!
sexyLAMBCHOPx June 2, 2016
Include a gift receipt.
Sam1148 June 2, 2016
If you're going off registry don't get it from internet, but rather a local shop that can provide a gift receipt for easy return.
ktr June 2, 2016
I say, stick with the registry. Even better, ask her about it. She may have just added it to have something cheaper on her registry for people that can't afford to spend much.
ChefJune June 2, 2016
IMHO, rolling pins are as personal a choice as knives. If your friend requested a particular one, that's the one to get her. Personally, I dislike marble rolling pins . If you want to get her something marble for baking, a marble slab for rolling out dough is a great gift. I love mine.
Susan W. June 2, 2016
I agree with Sashy. My daughter hated doing the registry thing but her MIL insisted. Her friends all did a riff on the registry. It was perfect.
QueenSashy June 1, 2016
I would say go for it. I am sure your friend will appreciate an extra mile you went to in order to get her something special. Plus, not only that it is functionally sound, but it is also beautiful and she can use it as a kitchen decoration.
Sam1148 June 1, 2016
Well, it's interesting symbolism for a wedding gift.
sexyLAMBCHOPx June 1, 2016
My opinion, stick with the registry.
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