I need a Chinese sweet or dessert recipe to make for my kindergartener's Chinese New Year party at school. Suggestions? What's traditional? Where to look for recipes?



puresugar January 20, 2011
Thank you everyone! This is why I LOVE Foodpickle. I'm so happy that I will have the time to make more than one of these...
betteirene January 20, 2011
I make Almond Cookies from an old Better Homes and Gardens recipe, which I can't find right now. It uses artificial almond extract instead of almond flour and it's safe for those with allergies.

Fortune cookies are cheap and easy, but they're time consuming to make, although it's an awful lot of fun to think up customized fortunes.

For kindergarteners, though, you might have more fun with kumquats, what with eating them whole. The kumquat is a Chinese symbol of prosperity. How far away do you live from Dade City? Their kumquat festival is the 29th, so I assume it's kumquat season and you'll be able to easily find them. The recipe is from a growers' association; you could pair a muffin with a whole fruit.

Kumquat Muffins
Makes 12
1 cup whole kumquats
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup white cornmeal
2 tablespoons baking powder
3/4 cup granulated sugar
3 eggs, beaten
3/4 cup vegetable oil
3/4 cup whole milk

1. Preheat oven to 350*F.
2. Bring kumquats to a full boil in water to cover. Boil 30 seconds. Rinse under cold, running water. Repeat procedure. Cut kumquats in half and remove seeds. Dice by hand or in the food processor. Set aside.
3. Spray or grease muffin tins. Or, line them with paper cups.
4. Sift flour, cornmeal, baking powder and sugar together. Beat eggs and stir in. Stir in oil and milk until just combined.
5. Stir in diced kumquats. Be careful not to over-mix or the result will be tough muffins with holes in the centers.
6. Bake 15-20 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.
brandon January 20, 2011
Do mochi balls stuffed with some fruit or something
monkeymom January 20, 2011
Chinese almond cookies would be easy to make and kids like them...if you don't have to worry about nut allergies.

Mochi is another option. Though the japanese make mochi, chinese also make it and fill it with red bean paste. This recipe is pretty fast if you can find the ingredients. Use a plastic knife from a take out place to cut it into pieces.
susan G. January 20, 2011
If you have access to a Chinese grocery, you may find Almond Cakes -- a handsome and unusual cookie, as well as many sweet things. These are not the almond cookies that used to be served at the end of a Chinese restaurant meal that I remember -- pre-fortune cookie days.
For homemade, a simple cake, from The Joyce Chen Cookbook:
Separate 3 large eggs, beat whites until stiff. Beat yolks slightly with 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1/3 cup water. Sift 1 cup flour with 1/4 tsp baking powder, then add 1 1/4 cup sugar.
Set up steamer large enough to hold 8" cake pan (lined with wax paper or foil on bottom and sides). Start heating the water.
Mix dry ingredients into egg yolk mixture, fold in egg whites. Pour into cake pan and rap on table to remove large air bubbles.
Place on rack in steamer, 2" above boiling water. Steam 20- 25 minutes at medium high heat until inserted toothpick comes clean.
Turn onto serving plate, decorate if you wish with sparkling colored sugar. (Best served hot.)
foongfest January 20, 2011
My favorite Chinese dessert growing up has to be sweet rice dumplings: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tangyuan_(food)
That can get laborious and kind of messy.

This is an alternative that I really like too: http://www.ming.com/foodandwine/recipes/simply-ming-season-7/sesame-butter-brittle.htm
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