No knead pizza dough + top-down convection

Hi everyone,

I'm planning on making a pizza later this week in a convection oven that only has an element on the top. I've only used a conventional oven with an element on the bottom for the no-knead dough in the past. Is there anything special I need to do? Should I use a different kind of dough? I am not using a stone, just a pizza pan. Thanks!

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Smaug September 5, 2016
If it's a well designed oven, the location of a heating element in a convection oven shouldn't matter too much, you should probably just cook in the center of the oven. I'm a big advocate of perforated pans- I think a good one does a better job than a stone in a home oven, but if you don't have one, some people feel that it will brown better with a heavier bottom, such as by doubling the pan or putting it on a heavy baking sheet (which can be preheated). Some people also oil the pan heavily, basically frying the bottom crust- I find it gross, but a lot of people seem to like it.
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