Hello from Thailand, can anyone recommend me some easy college recipes I can make in my dorm?

I'm a Thai university student living in a dormitory. In my dorm, I have a refrigerator, microwave, and a small electric pan. I want to try some new menu which can cook easily. Thank you in advanced.

Muanfun Slp


BerryBaby October 5, 2016
Your electric pan is gold! You can make amazing dishes....sauces, sautee vegetables/meat dishes, pan-fry, noodles. There are many one-pan recipes on this site and online. I like making a ragu sauce with ground meat, canned diced tomatoes and adding garlic, Italian herbs (basil/oregano/bay leaves). You can eat over pasta or eat it like an Italian Sloppy Joe on a roll. Delicious! Good luck! BB
Muanfun S. October 5, 2016
That sounds interesting! I really love pasta and I've ever tried to cook it with pork and tomatoes sauce once. I used canned tomatoes and put a little bit salt and black pepper, but the taste is still quite sour. I failed to cook it. lol
Anyway, have you ever cooked any dessert meals with these kitchenware? I love dessert also.
Lindsay-Jean H. October 5, 2016
This recent thread on a similar topic might have some good ideas for you: https://food52.com/hotline/33585-recent-college-grad-in-a-nyc-apartment-small-kitchen-no-appliances-needs-to-cook-easy-inexperie
Muanfun S. October 5, 2016
Oh! Thank you so much, I'll check it now.
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