
I may be more excited about the leftovers this year than the actual meal. Actually, I always am. Calmer, all the "taste as you cook" over, so I can be hungry for the meal. This year, I'm making Thanksgiving Eggs Benedict from PortAndFin. It looks and sounds amazing and right up my alley. That got me wondering what clever repurposing our clever community is doing.


Susan W
  • Posted by: Susan W
  • November 25, 2016


Aisha November 26, 2016
Not in the US, so no thanksgiving. But over here (Bahrain, in the Middle East), lots of food is given out during religious festivals and commemorations (by neighbors, family and mosques) so I'm always trying to find ways to repurpose the food, so we don't have to eat rice and chicken for two weeks straight. Leftover braised/roasted chicken, I'll usually shred and use in a chicken/mayo sandwich, chicken/mayo fingers or mix into a pasta sauce. Leftover stew-like dishes with no meat left in them and just lots of veggies and broth, I'll just blend, adjust the seasoning and call it a soup, or use as a base for another soup. Leftover white rice gets recycled into fried rice, or just mixed with yogurt for a refreshing comfort food. Leftover pilaf-style rice is the hardest to repurpose and if we just can't eat anymore of it, the pigeons and the chickens are always ready to gobble it up. And leftover chickpeas are the most versatile (eat as is with bread, make hummus, add onions and tomatoes and make into a stew, roast them as a snack, add to soups, reuse the liquid as aquafaba etc)
Michele November 26, 2016
After the yummy sandwiches (like BerryBaby) and reliving the meal without the stress the highlight for us is turkey tetrazzini with has been a tradition in our family for years. My mother started the tradition and I love keeping it going.
Susan W. November 26, 2016
I haven't had tetrazzini in ages. Does stuffing and gravy make an appearance in the recipe?
Michele November 26, 2016
No stuffing and gravy......it never lasts that long. :(
I have loved the stuffing I did so much this year and last I am going to try it for a breakfast casserole from now on, like Deb Perelman does. This way I won't have to wait for once a year. http://www.saveur.com/article/recipes/bouchon-bistro-ciabatta-and-sausage-stuffing
I use chicken and garlic sausage from Whole Foods instead of what he calls for.
Smaug November 25, 2016
I finally decided to accept the superiority of leftovers last year, and for the second year had hash for Thanksgiving dinner. It made for a pretty laid back day- Weds. I barbecued a tri tip (I don't eat poultry) and made a pecan pie, Thurs. I just had to assemble the hash and make a couple of sides; a pretty easy day. Didn't hurt that it was only 4 people.
Susan W. November 26, 2016
Tri tip hash and pecan pie sound delicious.
BerryBaby November 25, 2016
Turkey, dressing and cranberry relish (homemade, of course) sandwiches. on gummy white bread. Doesn't get any better than that....at for me it is the best sandwich ever! Your eggs sound REALLY good!
Susan W. November 26, 2016
Definitely the best sandwich. That's what we usually have. Gummy white bread a necessity. :)
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