Hole in blind baked pie crust

I'm making pumpkin pie and just finished blind baking my crust. I noticed two small holes near the base of the crust and am sure the custard will leak through (am using a pie ring). I have no dough left. How czn I patch up the holes?



Nancy November 27, 2016
If possible, put some foil or parchment paper under the current holy crust.
Patch the two holes with a layer of pastry approx same depth as your original pastry. Use water on the edges to help attach it to the baked crust.
Do not bake blind again - it will dry out and maybe even burn the original crust.
Add filling and bake as planned.
Should be more or less ok, but if not, that's why you have lined the pie plate with foil or paper.
(PS In a pinch, a small piece of plain bread, crusts removed, rolled flat, can be a patch.)
alamericaine November 27, 2016
Thanks! Bread, really?!? Will try just mixing flour and water and use as a patch. As I'm using a pie ring I'll have to be extra careful: no pie plate to catch any drips!
Nancy November 27, 2016
Ok, good. remember to ibclude some fat (and a little sugar) in your flour water mix, or it will be as dry and stiff as that library paste we made in kindergarten.
BerryBaby November 27, 2016
I was thinking bread as well. Flour and water should work...it makes glue. Our mom would make it during this time of year for us. We made Christmas chains out of construction paper for the Christmas tree. Those two ingredients are magic!
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