Help! If I didnt add enough yeast at the beginning of dough making, and its been sitting there not rising for about 10 hours can I add more now?



PieceOfLayerCake April 7, 2017
If I forget to put yeast in a dough, I will often make a paste with the yeast and enough water to dissolve it. I find it makes it easier to incorporate.
AntoniaJames April 7, 2017
Yep, that's happened to me and yep, you can salvage it - especially with pizza dough.

Flatten the dough out, sprinkle on another 1.5 teaspoons instant yeast and then drizzle on a bit of warm water. Technically you don't need more water, but it will help. Then work the yeast (it may be like a thin paste) into the dough and knead for a few minutes, by hand or using a stand mixer. Cover tightly with plastic wrap and let it sit in a warm place.

If you need to, you can put the dough in the fridge overnight, where it will rise, but much more slowly. You'll want to take it out and let it sit on the counter for an hour or two to let it finish, if necessary.

Hope this helps. ;o)
MMH April 8, 2017
I would have never thought of that and will file that one away - how helpful!!!
Stephanie April 7, 2017
Sorry, that should say pizza dough. I used 5 cups flour, 1 tsp instant yeast
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