Have recipes with ties to France? Please share!

We're looking for recipes on the site that have ties to France, maybe it's a French recipe that taught you something about cooking, or maybe you went to France, had an amazing dish and came home and had to recreate it. Whatever the connection, please share a link to your recipe (and the story behind it, if it doesn't already appear in the headnotes). Thank you!

Lindsay-Jean Hard


Leith D. May 26, 2017
Yes, and it's a favorite! https://food52.com/recipes/25107-magical-french-potato-cake
Emily S. May 25, 2017
It's not on Food52, but this is an amazing quiche. I had wonderful quiche in France, and found this great recipe after getting back. It's Melissa Clark's recipe.

Nancy May 22, 2017
Petits pois a la francaise...here in Queen Sashy's riff on MFK Fisher
amysarah May 20, 2017
So many of the dishes I cook by heart are French or French-ish, particularly ones from my mother - her Navarin d'Agneau, chocolate mousse, potato leek soup, terrines, duck, so many others. However, so far I'm pretty lazy about writing recipes down in a way that anyone else could follow. Got to get on that!

I do have a couple of recipes posted here with French DNA - my mother's Mussels, which she served at countless summer dinner parties: https://food52.com/recipes/25417-joanie-s-moules-ravigote As kids, we teased her mercilessly for calling them 'moules,' which we somehow found hilarious (the name of another delicious French mussel soup she made, Billi Bi, was also the source of much hilarity. I guess we were easily amused.) Another French recipe I posted here is a Thanksgiving twist on a classic Creme Caramel: https://food52.com/recipes/14972-pumpkin-flan
aargersi May 19, 2017
Ok well I only have one:

But it's good!
PieceOfLayerCake May 17, 2017
What I like about French cooking are all of those dishes that are contrary to the fussy reputation of French cuisine, and highlight its simplicity above anything else. French pastries like a simple pound cake (https://food52.com/recipes/36843-quatre-quart-french-pound-cake) or choux (https://food52.com/recipes/67038-pate-a-choux)....or things that are simple but difficult technically (https://food52.com/recipes/67036-inverted-puff-pastry)....open a world to dozens of dishes. French pastry (and many other aspects of French cuisine) often works on a foundation of base recipes that are then built upon with either other base recipes or fresh ingredients to make something delicious and impressive. What often frustrates me about modern baking is that if people want to make something elaborate, they feel they have to find a recipe for that EXACT product instead of trying to figure out what it's made of and build it from the foundation. We've been convinced that we need thousands of recipes instead of a solid base of technique...and that's what I feel French cooking/baking is built on.

Since I've never been to France and I'm not French through ancestry (to my knowledge), all of my French pastry recipes/experiences come from chefs I've worked with over the years and admire greatly. One in particular was this hard drinking, hard living, tall Belgian boulangere who showed me that you don't need a mixer, chemical leavening, fancy equipment, etc. to make incredible French pastry. Everything he taught me could be made with a table/bowl and two hands. He taught me that if you know how to make puff pastry well, you can make mille feuille, you can make gateaux St. Honore, you can make palmier, etc.

I have to admit, I get kind of impatient with the uploading process of recipes on here, so I don't share as many as I should (nearly everything on my profile was either for a contest or to help someone in the Hotline)....but I'll see if I can manage to upload more.
Greenstuff May 16, 2017
I think ChefJune's list as shown how impossible it is to answer this question! So many of us owe much of our cooking selves to France--our experiences as natives, residents, visitors, and admirers. It'd be hard to answer this question if you focused on one region, impossible to answer it for the entire diverse country. Some in my family have lived there, many of us visit frequently, and regardless of where we are in the world, we cook our way through regional French cuisine every July, while we follow the route of each year's Tour de France. But I can't wait to see where this is going!
Lindsay-Jean H. May 17, 2017
It's not impossible! Here, I'll help you narrow it down, just choose the one(s) with the best story behind it.
Nancy May 17, 2017
Agree with Chris.
Also, there is a big difference between haute cuisine (whether ancien or nouvelle) and home cuisine of la France profonde. Attitudes and habits are not present or prominent in many recipes, but underly the whole enterprise.
Shop and cook with the freshest ingredients possible.
But where not possible, preserve (confiture, duck confit, etc).
Cook "nose to tail" (centuries before a trendy chef rediscovered and named it that).
Use every last bit (e.g. make crepes to use up savory odds and ends or desserts from almost nothing).
Lindsay-Jean H. May 17, 2017
We're looking for recipes from the community, so a home cook's version, whether it was originally haute cuisine or home cuisine.
ChefJune May 16, 2017
Well, since you asked..... here is a list of all the recipes I've contributed to Food52 over the years that fit into this category. Since France and my travels there seriously informs my cooking, the list is long. (You may notice the infamous Chicken with Red Wine Vinegar Sauce is on the list. :-) https://food52.com/recipes/40502-lemon-tart-with-candied-lemon-slices
Lindsay-Jean H. May 16, 2017
Amazing list ChefJune, thank you!!
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