sourdough starter revival
I've been using the tips from this question, already asked ( and this post ( My starter was neglected for several weeks (around 5?) in my fridge--it still has some bubbles, smells sour, no mold, only had a layer of alcohol which I just mixed back in with its first feeding.
So I'm going to feed it twice a day, per the suggestion of the aforementioned post, but am just wondering: should I be discarding some each time I feed it? Seems like losing/diluting an awful lot to take 4 oz starter and mix with 4 oz water and 4oz flour in the morning, and then repeat the process all over again in the evening. Should I be worried about overfeeding? What signs should I be looking for to know that it's active again? This seems like a feeding schedule I wouldn't want to continue more than 2, 3 days, right?
I've also kept starter in the fridge for many months and revived it. It was a little weird at first but recovered within a few days.