De-constructed Caramel Apples

This is a quick and delicious snack when you crave a fall treat. A juicy apple, chopped nuts and Torani caramel syrup. I use this in my coffee and thought this would be great with apples. ....and it is! Fun for kids too, sliced apples, drizzle the syrup and dunk in nuts.. So easy and delicious 😋

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sexyLAMBCHOPx October 11, 2017
Why not add the recipe to the site instead of the hotline as a general post? Sounds like a great fall treat.
BerryBaby October 11, 2017
Thanks, sexyLambChop! You can find the Honey Pepper Apples recipe under my recipes. Posted it back in July of last year. I was surprised it was that long ago! It's one of my favorite snacks this time of year. Enjoy! BB
Lindsay-Jean H. October 9, 2017
I like the idea of deconstructing them BerryBaby, they're one of my favorite fall treats!
BerryBaby October 9, 2017
This really quite tasty. Another favorite cut up apples drizzled with honey and fresh cracked black pepper!
Lindsay-Jean H. October 9, 2017
Ooh, I'm intrigued, I'll have to give that a shot!
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