Thanks for the Beatles party help!
Foodpicklers asked for the menu to my Beatles bash! It's buffet style, so I wanted to avoid dishes that were overly messy or required too many utensils. So, here it is:
"Good Day Sunshine" tropical fruit salad macerated with coconut water & lime
"Strawberry Fields" chocolate dipped strawberries served on astroturf
"Let it Brie" Brie en Croute with apricot chutney
"Piggies" Pigs in the blanket with white cheddar & honey mustard
"Devils in her Heart" (helenthenanny's Devils on Hatchback)
"Cayenne" Caramel Corn
"Yellow Submarine" sandwich- mozzarella, marinated & roasted vegetables, arugula pesto
"Eleanor Rigbytoni"- Martha stewart's Baked Rigatoni Cake
"Lucy in the Pie with Almonds" Dorie Greenspan's lemony tart, with a marshmallow meringue top and almonds in the crust.
"Birthday" cake Smitten Kitchen's Chocolate Peanut butter cake
"Jello, Goodbye" Dorie Greenspan's citrus terrine
I will post pictures on my blog after Sunday!