Why did my baked custard curdle?
I made a baked custard last night and while it tasted good, the texture was lumpy, like it had curdled. The recipe called for whisking together 4 eggs, 2 cups milk, 1tsp vanilla extract, and 1/2 cup confectioners sugar. The mixture was then poured into ramekins and baked at 325 degrees until they set. Mine took about an hour before they set up.
I’m wondering if. Should have strained the mixture before pouring it into the dishes? Or used a water bath?
Yes, a water bath is always necessary, in custard baking.
Whole egg custard mixtures should always be strained through a fine mesh strainer, to remove any unincorporated parts of the raw egg, especially the chalazae.
The oven temp sounds hot to me, for baking a cold custard base. I don't like my oven to be above 300 for baking custards. Also, every oven is so so different. My 300F oven might be someone else's 275F oven.. I like to play it safe, so I keep an oven thermometer inside. I also like my custard base to be as close to room temp as it can be, before heading into the oven. Sometimes the shock of a cold base + a hot oven will be too much.
Custards are delicate creatures.
I hope this helps. I, too, have seen and tasted my fair share of overcooked custards! I have had to learn a lot of this the hard, expensive way.