A question about a recipe: Broccoli Rabe in Lemon Cream-- What should be considered when substituting creme fraiche for heavy cream?

I have a question about the recipe "Broccoli Rabe in Lemon Cream" from amanda.

Broccoli Rabe in Lemon Cream
Recipe question for: Broccoli Rabe in Lemon Cream


Risottogirl December 10, 2021
I make regularly make cf so I use it more often than heavy cream. I still use the lemon juice, maybe a but more as my lemons are backyard Meyers. Zest is a great idea.
This is the one rapini method that my bitter averse hubs adores.
Amanda H. March 4, 2011
Thanks for weighing in hardlikearmour and kristen -- agree with you both. Mainecoon, hope you'll give this recipe a try!
Kristen M. March 3, 2011
The creme fraiche will be a little thicker and tangier, but should be really good in this recipe! Just be sure to add the lemon juice to taste, as Amanda recommends.
hardlikearmour March 3, 2011
I'd omit the lemon juice, and add some lemon zest.
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